Lots of folks will have lots of analysis about tonight's Dueling Speeches by President Obama and Speaker Boehner. Mine is short and sweet.
America's middle class, poor, unemployed, etc. have already sacrificed! We shouldn't have to "share" any more. It's time for the top One-Percenters to pay up.
The past decade has seen stagnant or falling wages for workers coupled with dramatically increased income for wealthiest and record corporate profits. [Actually, this stagnation has been going on for more like 30 years, but who's counting.]
In the past 3 years, we have experienced crisis level unemployment, a jobless "recovery" -- again while the wealthiest and corporations amass and hoard greater piles of profits and income. Those who caused this economic crisis have been held blameless by Congress and the Justice Department. Their shareholders and bondholders, who theoretically assumed some level of risk when they invested in the banks and financial houses, have been protected from any cost or consequence.
The United States faces an increasingly regressive effective-tax system, while continuing a 100+ year law giving oil and mining companies virtually limitless access to the country's resource with little or no royalty costs.
Waste, fraud and abuse continue to run rampant in DOD spending (see Army's worthless cloud computing system that cost over $2.7 billion), while both Democrats and Republicans think nothing of reducing critical Social Security benefits through the use of a "chained" CPI.
The list of social and economic injustices is long and completely ignored by those elected to represent We the People (as opposed to We the Really Rich and Corporations).
We who work for a living and make less than $250,000 a year have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice every day.
We aren't upset that the Village Idiots can't compromise; we're upset that they think we should continue paying the price so some One-Percenter's kids can travel to summer camp by private jet instead of limousine.
Boom roasted. Well said.