WTF of the Day, round 2: Who could have imagined the closure of DMV offices in predominantly Democratic areas after the passage of a GOP/TeaParty voter id law? Really, who?
Wisconsin: Walker Shuts Down DMV Offices in Democratic Areas After Passing Voter ID Law | FDL News DeskHere’s a slick little two-step from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
25 July 2011 1:02 am (
WTF of the Day: "Lawyers Blast Public Comments from DSK's Accuser" [] because obviously DSK's lawyers should have the media all to themselves!
The New York Times should be ashamed of itself for this headline, much less the story's angle that leads, not with this brave woman exposing herself to more intense public scrutiny and harrassment, but with whiny defense lawyers complaining about her taking some measure of control back over her life.
Anyone who has ever been raped or who has ever trained in assault counseling knows that taking back control is paramount to begin any healing. I say "Brava" to this woman standing up for herself.Lawyers for Dominique Strauss-Kahn are blasting back after the first public comments from the hotel maid accusing him of sexual assault.
24 July 2011 (
Sheila Barr is out at FDIC, Brooksley Born left the CFTC, Elizabeth Warren is on her way out at CFPB. Each of these strong intelligent women not only predicted the economic collapse but proposed ways to deal with it that would have shifted responsibility and liability on to those who caused it. Barr and Warren fought after it happened for rules that would prevent it from happening again.
But in the Old Boys' Club of American finance and government, who wound up in charge? Who wound up protected from the consequences of bad behavior?
Just the musings of an old economics-trained feminist...
22 July 2011 (
Remember back in grade school when the bully tried to take your lunch money? Remember what you learned the hard way - giving in doesn't make it stop, it makes it worse.
There's a growing realization around the country that the TeaPartiers and most Republicans are nothing more than bullies - or what I call economic terrorists, using fear to make people believe they have to keep giving to the rich and taking from the poor.
In the Wisconsin recall campaigns, a new ad has come out that shows others how to stand up to a bully and tell it like it is. Rachel Maddow called this ad "the best of the year." As Angie said at (, we're inclined to agree.
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